tisdag 3 februari 2009

Best rest for Libras

Typical Libras do not like strong, to sweat exercises. This violates their desire for harmony in the feelings and sensations. Many Libras of the present interest in the arts and are giving preference to the music. They are needed as air entertainment and pleasure. In weighing a wonderful flavor. Many women like Libras and can dress nicely all day to shop. Typical Libras like a luxurious bedroom, where they can rest in the blessed idleness. When they are on holiday, mind. Weights are rarely quiet; they are considering plans for the future. 
Libras like a pleasant environment, intellectual dispute, hard work. They like to receive notes, cards and flowers when they are admired, when people run with requests for them. They do not like loud Libras disputes; weird and difficult situations, they do not like when they were under pressure when deciding when they say that they should like to change the situation. Libras do not accept any criticism of their chosen partner or project. 
Libra love all beautiful, they are aesthetes. They are very well-developed artistic taste; they are not indifferent to all types of art: music, painting and literature. They are the experts and connoisseurs of expensive, good wines. Women Libras create the best fashion. Weighted well to travel, go to parties or in theaters. 
Typical Libra on vacation prefer to listen to music, learn music history, playing the instrument in the group - such as a string quartet or jazz orchestra, listening to poetry, dance, refined dress and dine in romantic places.